We may all hear the words conformation bias and think we know what it is to a specific extent. But at the same time we may not think it but we all have bias inside our heads and use it more than you believe. We all are equipped with confirmation bias and that is "the tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed."
You may ask why does my brain default to confirmation bias? That is because it's actually a shortcut for your brain. To look at new information and or facts takes a lot of energy from yourself so we use confirmation bias to just gain the info needed to solidify our beliefs or views. It also makes us feel good as we are getting our opinions and viewpoints confirmed making us feel completed and right. And who doesn't want to be right.
Confirmation bias can happen at both the individual level and the group level as well. At the individual level you can run into the bias with politics and health and wellness. At the group level you run into the bias with corporate decision making and even sports fanbases. But there is problems with holding these biases too. At the individual level there is the problem that with this bias you are not able to fully gain all the information at hand because with confirmation bias doing it's job we could be looking right passed pivotal information about that topic.
A recent time we saw in society the application of confirmation bias in play was about 4 years ago during the Covid-19 Pandemic. We had people on both sides supporting getting the shot and not supporting getting the shot. We see the confirmation bias come into play when it comes to doing research or talking about getting the vaccine. People who are pro-vaccine would be only reading and obtaining information that helps support their view to get the vaccine. Then on the flip everyone who was against getting the shot or hesitant to get it would be only taking in the info to confirm their beliefs that they shouldn't get the shot because it is to new or other reason. We also saw lots of confirmation in the recent 2024 presidential election. We see it on both sides of the aisle and also at the group, state, and individual level as well.
Another example of seeing conformation bias is when you think about the news source you look at daily for your source of news. You are reading that specific news outlet because you know they will align with your own ideas, and help you confirm your thoughts about a policy, president, or news story. You also see this with TiK Tok as you look your algorithm. You may think videos just pop up on your "For You" page but the type of videos that pop up there are actually because of the past videos you like or comment on or even reshare. This is where Tik Tok is feeding into your bias of videos and helps you get to see what you want to see and help the company as you are returning and using their platform.